By Mike Kaplan (DefenseImagery) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jessica Simpson Gossip and News - Page 3
12 Nov 2011
Not fat, worse, she's Pregnant and Flatulent
After "admitting" on Twitter that she was a "mummy" with a picture of her... (read more of this Really Stupid story)
1 Oct 2011
Fat or Pregnant?
Reports have it that Jessica Simpson is pregnant based purely of unflattering... (read more of this Really Dumb story)
16 Jul 2011
Judge Jessica
Because it wasn't bad enough that she can barely dress herself, Miss Simpson... (read more of this Stupid story)
2 Jul 2011
Questions about Marriage already?
It's not good enough that a man in general had the courage to propose to Miss... (read more of this Idiotic story)
16 Apr 2011
Boob Bailout
Miss Simpson confessed her airbags are a great way of getting out of parking... (read more of this Really Stupid story)
2 Apr 2011
The real Bridezilla
It looks like Miss Simpson is planning on getting married and even designing her... (read more of this Really Stupid story)
5 Feb 2011
On her knees for Ass
The always insightful Miss Simpson recently tweeted "Saying my prayers before... (read more of this Idiotic story)
20 Nov 2010
The Simpson behemoth is Engaged
After catching whiff of ex-hubby Nick Lachey's engagement to Vanessa Minnillo,... (read more of this Idiotic story)
30 Oct 2010
That's why everything's bigger in Texas
Ex-Daisy Duke revealed the reason to her current circumference - fried food.... (read more of this Idiotic story)
9 Oct 2010
Fart Facts
Keen to cut down on her ozone killing contributions, Jessica tweeted about a new... (read more of this Really Stupid story)