By Mike Kaplan (DefenseImagery) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jessica Simpson Gossip and News - Page 7
11 Mar 2006
Spousal Support
It seems that the once civilized breakup of the 'Newly Weds', Nick and Jessica,... (read more of this Idiotic story)
4 Feb 2006
Jessica's Best Buddies
It seems that the ex-Newlywed is keen to get back into the dating arena with... (read more of this Stupid story)
12 Nov 2005
Mental Meltdown
Rumours of the pending break up of the not so new newlyweds, Jessica and husband... (read more of this Dumb story)
9 Apr 2005
Not so Naughty Jessica
While most would wait for their mid life crisis, Jessica has decided to track... (read more of this Really Dumb story)
5 Mar 2005
Jessica's Short Comings
Apparently Jessica admitted that her mother use to stretch Jessica's legs every... (read more of this Idiotic story)
15 Jan 2005
The Butt of the Joke
Jessica is tired of being teased by co-stars Johnny Knoxville and Sean William... (read more of this Really Dumb story)
4 Sep 2004
Famous Much?
Jessica was devastated when her favourite actress, Meryl Streep, didn't... (read more of this Really Dumb story)
31 Jul 2004
Blonde X-Men
Jessica is to become one of the X-men. Apparently Jessica landed a role in the... (read more of this Stupid story)