Dumb Blonde Jokes and Blonde Celebrity Gossip | Blondesville

Welcome to the Home of the Dumb Blonde

If it's dumb blondes and celebrities you're looking for then look no further. Blondesville is a protected sanctuary for all those... oh god, another one got it. If you find any stray blondes send them our way.
By Gamerscoreblog (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gamerscore/144446661/) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Jenny McCarthy

Jenny Keeps Her Marriage Hot

Village Idiot for 15 Feb 2025, Jenny McCarthy

Jenny revealed that she and husband Donnie Wahlberg like to keep things hot by sneaking off during parties for some fun time. "We like to sneak off at parties," said McCarthy. "If someone has a Christmas party, we're going to find the basement bathroom, take advantage of the moment." Jenny also revealed her wedding dress didn't last long because "we slipped out into the garden during our wedding and kind of got busy in the garden. It got covered with grass stains!" Blondes really do have more fun and by the sounds of it hang on to their husbands longer.


Monthly Moron for February

Which one of these Blondes would you give Valentine's chocolates to?
By MingleMediaTVNetwork (Alice Eve - IMG 0324) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Alice Eve
Alice Eve
Amy Schumer
Amy Schumer
Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore

Blonde Tubes

Dumb Blonde Can't Open the Hotel Door

Dumb Blonde Can't Open the Hotel Door

This dumb blonde couldn't figure out how to open the door to the hotel try as she might. Why is modern technology so hard to figure out?

Comedy of Clumsy Blonde Handywork

Comedy of Clumsy Blonde Handywork

Blondesville brings you Blonde Moments 11, the funniest dumb blonde moments for your enjoyment. Welcome to a world where gravity seems optional, and common sense takes a vacation! Join us for a sidesplitting journey into the realm of the utterly ridiculou

When Glass Doors & Blondes Collide

When Glass Doors & Blondes Collide

Blondesville brings you Blonde Moments 26, the funniest dumb blonde moments for your enjoyment. Welcome to a world where gravity seems optional, and common sense takes a vacation! Join us for a sidesplitting journey into the realm of the utterly ridiculou

More: Blonde Tubes

Blonde Celebrity Quotes

"There's only losers here. I'm going to pretend to talk on the phone so no one talks to me." (backstage in the greenroom at MTV's VMA's)
Paris Hilton
"It was a great kiss. It even had a saliva trail." (on kissing Cruel Intentions co-star 'Selma Blair')
Sarah Michelle Gellar
"It another way of getting in touch with people that I just don't want to be bothered with." (on why she doesn't have an email account)
Scarlett Johansson
More: Celebrity Quotes

Dumb Blonde Jokes

A blonde mother is preparing dinner when her blonde daughter enters. "Why do people think we blondes are stupid?" the daughter wonders. "I'll show you," her mother says, tapping hard on the kitchen counter. "Someone's at the door!" exclaims the dumb blonde daughter, rather perplexed. The blonde mother laughs, "That's why people think we're stupid. Now watch over the stove for me while I answer the door."
( Submitted by 'Ben' )
A dumb blonde guy and a brunette girl were happily married and about to have a baby. One day, the wife started having contractions, so the dumb blonde husband rushed her to the hospital. He held her hand as she went through a trying birth. In the end, there were two little baby boys. The dumb blonde guy turned to his wife and angrily said, "Right, who's the other father!?"
( Submitted by 'Phil' )
A high school teacher is doing a class on stereotypes. He asks the students to yell out different stereotypes they're aware of. "All blonde girls are dumb!" yells a boy at the front of the class. "Sony!" yells a blonde at the back.
( Submitted by 'Phil' )
More: Dumb Blonde Jokes